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All Hands In

Our Mission

Our purpose is to aid in the nonprofit’s financial stability.

The Issue

A non-profit is seeking funding, who can they turn to?  Michigan’s land area is approximately 57 thousand square miles and has 225,000 employer establishments, it’s not obvious which business offers a funding program.  Performing a search withdraws time from the nonprofit’s mission.  Mid-MI BCD will save you the time and resources to perform the search and curate grants, donations, and sponsorships.

There are many Mid-Michigan nonprofits supporting local communities. Without funding this support does not exist. As a funding specialist stated, “We have to fundraise to provide additional services and supports that are identified through core funding. The current challenge is funding and gaining funded dollars and donations to run expanded programming. The issue is providing this programming isn’t so hidden, it’s lack of funding”.

As we have eased the process of the grantor/grantee relationship, Mid-Michigan nonprofits can focus on their mission.

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